Monthly Archives: June 2016


Element: Charming

Origin: Jibanyan used to be an ordinary cat whose owner’s name is Amy.  Jibanyan had saved Amy’s life when she almost got ran over by a truck.  Jibanyan had pushed her, but he got killed.  Jibanyan’s name used to be Rudy.  Now Jibanyan does Paws of Fury to destroy trucks so he can impress Amy.


  • Paws of Fury – Punches a Yo-Kai a lot until they are no longer standing


  • Jibanyan – A red cat with two tails who tries to beat the stuffing out of semi trucks
  • Baddinyan – Doesn’t follow any rules and was turned into Baddinyan by Roughraff
  • Thoranyan – Covered with spikes when Coughkoff inspirits Jibanyan
  • Shogunyan – Legendary Yo-Kai and ancestor of Jibanyan, Shogunyan was a samurai
  • Robanyan – The future form of Jibanyan who turned himself into a robot so he can fulfill his dream of being a truck-fighter
  • Dinanyan – This jewel thief is made completely out of diamonds

Catch phrase:

  • I’m pretty busy right noooooooowwwwwwww [yawn]

Makes you want to: Walk into the road