Monthly Archives: January 2018


Element: Shady

Origin: A ninja whose only skill is turning lights on and off by snapping.


  • Lights Out – Turns off lights to leave his opponents in the dark, lowering their DEF
  • Fire Flicker – Creates a huge flame by snapping that burns his opponents


  • Blackout – A ninja that always keeps his snapping manual handy

Catch phrase: Lights Out!

Makes you want to: sneak around turning lights on and off

Nyine Lies

Element: Slippery

Origin: A cat who died in a lab where he was given nine tails by Dr. Maddiman.


  • Pinky Swear – Convinces his opponents to lower their stats by promising not to attack
  • Large Lie – A believable lie that lowers his opponent’s stats when they realize that it’s a lie


  • Nyine Lies – A cat yo-kai with nine lives and plenty of lies

Catch phrase: Trust me…

Makes you want to: lie your tails off

Lap Dawg

Element: Mysterious

Origin: A lap dog that died and has now found a new meaning of the word lap.


  • StatZapp – Shuffles his feet on the carpet and zaps with a mighty electric charge


  • Lap Dawg – A yo-kai that always runs laps around his owners

Catch phrase: None

Makes you want to: run laps around everything